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Starting a new business?


You got the bug.  Congratulations!  We understand.  You've decided to start a business on your own and have a good idea of what it is, but you either don't know where to start or are overwhelmed with the amount of information you must consider; what licenses or registrations you must apply for, which form of company to establish, what to call the company, writing a business plan, logo design, website design, how to market it, how to keep records, and on, and on.  It can be quite tedious and time-consuming, but we can most certainly take the stress out of it for you.  We even have a very simple questionnaire that can help with the majority of the necessities to get the business up and running.  If you prefer, give us a call or send us an email and we can walk you through it step by step.  We will organize it for you and guide you through the process on your timetable, giving you the freedom to spend more of your valuable time on getting that first check into the bank.

Established but need some advice or help?

Running a business can be taxing.  You know what you have to do, but there just doesn't seem like enough hours in the day to do it.  You have no social life and your family is lucky if they see you long enough to say "hello or goodbye".  We know how difficult it can be to have structure and organization yet still be entrepreneurial and agile to keep your business going and growing.  There are numerous ways that we can assist.  Depending on what area you are experiencing energy drain in, we can come up with a solution that works best for you and/or the individual(s) managing the day to day organization.

Experiencing high turnover?

We are not only talking about employee turnover, but vendor/supplier and customer turnover as well.  When that happens, it is bound to leave you scratching your head and wondering what is the cause.  Our team is very astute and we can objectively review and observe your business to find the gaps and fill them in to stop the bleeding.  We can then work on a long-term solution that will allow you to retain your valuable clients and employees.


Your business is progressing and growing, but it is inconsistent.  There are periods where it feels like everything is going right and then there are periods of time where it feels like nothing goes right.  You chalk it up to the seasons, or to your employees lack of engagement, or to the rising prices, or to the demands of the market, or to any number of other possibilities, but the reality is that the inconsistency will always be there until it is analyzed very closely.  In many cases, once the objective analysis is complete, the realization and decision-making reaction is almost immediate.  We can work with you through the changes necessary to get you onto a more consistent path using numerous methodologies all customized to you and your organization.  


Supplier/Vendor Rates Too High or Service Issues?

Our experience in contractual negotiations, research methods, and industry knowledge give us an edge in identifying opportunities to decrease costs, increase service levels, and many times, both.  Our approach is very different from the standard models but will result in a longer term impact to the bottom line.  We are also highly skilled and trained in current auditing techniques and share those techniques with our clients so that they can conduct their own periodic audits themselves.

Explosive growth?

This is our favorite subject!  We've been part of companies that have experienced this phenomenon and it is truly exhilarating. The adrenaline rush is akin to an artist performing on stage for the first time; butterflies and nerves, but complete euphoria after the performance.  The downside is that we typically lower our shoulders and let the good times roll.  This is a critical juncture in the business and can result in extremes; a continuous growth rate that becomes unsustainable and an eventual burst to the bubble or a plateau effect with a minimal loss that cannot be surpassed or re-attained.  We know how devastating either of these scenarios can be and want to help avoid them.  There are ways to control that explosive growth to allow your business time to "catch up" and time for you to reassess the business to make the appropriate changes to sustain that growth year over year.  We can help design and document the project and implement the necessary changes to allow you and your team to enjoy the growth and plan for the future.



Phone:     (786) 514-5103


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